Sunday, 1 September 2013

Fitness world

The world of fitness

Now  have been in the world of fitness for say about a year and have already experienced lots of challenges. Building muscle and burning the fat, even motivating myself off the couch but I know to my self it has to be done. You don't need all this fancy gym equipment or all the money in the world. All you  need is heart in what you want to achieve.

Story time

Yeah that's right, time for me to tell a story
Right back when I was not that into working out. I used to just love to sit there and just eat all do , not go and do anything. Well that was me and then one day a friend came to me. He was an average guy not loads of money and not an amazing life. He never got anything given to him and had to work for everything. Well yeah he came to me and he said "Nothing will come to you if you don't do something about it" And I thought nothing of it at the time.
Later on that night on the television there was this guy on there. He was ripped and then I thought to myself how I would love to be like that guy. But there was a problem, I didn't have any equipment. So I did some research and I realised you could get fit from nothing but drive and not giving up. So from that day I changed the way I lived and got a good body.
I also help people who were like me to get the body they want because I know what its like to feel worthless and to not have a super hot, ripped body.

In the world of fitness you cant just go there bench a super heavy set and then your muscles will grow. You have got to wean your muscles into getting used to that heavy weight and then they will have to grow because its all just science when you think about it. I have learnt how to gain muscle effectively through me going through trial and error and this was a hard but rewarding process,
I just want to help all you guys who were like me and I will help you but I cannot help you if you aren't willing to help yourself. So please let me help you and ask me anything you need to know and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you   Ben STA Fitness


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