Thursday, 25 July 2013

The growing presence of Calisthenics

In the current world that we live in there are so many exercises and ways to keep fit.The most popular one that people prefer is to go to the gym and pump the iron. This is because people are told "You cant build muscle unless you go to the gym". Now i think that the Gym is the best place to build a substantial amount of muscle but this fitness craze has took storm. It goes by the name of Calisthenics. Now for those of you who don't know what Calisthenics are, Let me show you this video.

Hopefully watching that video you know know what calisthenics is. The reason why so many people are intrigued by this sport is the amount of body strength needed. It takes a lot of practice to get to a good standard but people who are persistent master the sport.
Now when people say they cant afford or make it to the gym, With calisthenics all you need is a park with some bars close by. Starting off doing this exercise can get you ripped in a matter of months without using a single weight. Do you fancy giving it a go ?. Here is a beginner video to show you how you can get started.

Here it is the video. Let me know what you think of the sport and i hope you take up the amazing world of calisthenics. Its a great way to stay in shape and a lot of fun.

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