Monday, 1 September 2014

muscle building leg workout

Now we all know that its great to have a big upper body. I have lost count how many times i have seen people with a massive upper body then look at the legs to see skinny legs with no meat on. People just dont like training legs because we all know the next day is SORE!!!. 

Ive put together this leg workout which you can do to build some good muscle on the legs and get that full body look.

Exercise 1 -  Barbell Squat

All of these exercise are aiming to do about 3 - 4 sets of 7 - 10 reps.

The Squat is hands down the most effective leg exercise you can do. It blasts every muscle in your legs.

The first point is if you’re not at least reaching parallel in your squats, The main problem with this is the shallower the squat, the less work your leg muscles have to do , which results in less muscle and strength growth.
Here’s what this parallel position looks like.proper-squatNotice also how the head is neutral, chest is up, shoulders back, and the spine is in a neutral position, and the knees are behind the toes. These are all key points to maintaining proper form on the Squat.

It must be performed correctly, however. Improper squatting is not only ineffective, it can increase the risk of injury

Heres a video on how to squat properly

Exercise 2  Barbell front squat

The Barbell Front Squat is a great exercise for emphasizing the quadriceps, and for taking the stress off the lower back.

it feels quite awkward at first, and often uncomfortable, but the more you do it, the better it gets.

Exercise 3 - Romanian deadlift

 Exercise 4 - Leg press machine

the leg press machine is a great leg workout to really work on the quadriceps but at the same time works the hamstrings and glutes.

Youre wanting to be doing about 3-4 sets of about 8-10 reps

If you follow these leg exercises and make sure youre using the right weight and eating right. your legs have nice choice but to grow. so get to work and do a leg workout.

As always thanks for reading 

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