Wednesday, 29 July 2015

How to get a six pack fast

Six pack abs

All men who want the perfect body all want the rock hard defined abs. Most people don't realize how hard it actually is to get a six pack. When you see these "Get a six pack fast" Workout . It doesn't work because to get a six pack it needs exercise and diet

Its not as easy as you think.

Most people just think if you do a lot of sit ups then eventually you will get good abs and im going to brak the bad news to you right now.
Its not that easy.  If you do loads of crunches then yes your abs will get a lot stronger but what most people don't know is that there is a layer of fat that covers the abs and this is what stops most people from getting those defined abs what all of us want. . The way to tackle that is to add cardio in your ab workouts and also at the end of your other workouts  what this does is not only targets fat on your stomach and other parts of your body but it makes you fit and this means you can perform better during your workouts. So it has many benefits for all.

What cardio is good for abs ?

 Whenit comes to cardio there is no guaranteed way you can just target your belly fat. to be able to get id of excess fat on your stomach alot of it comes down to diet. But thats for a different day. Today i will share with you three excercises to further improve your efforts of decreasing fat around your stomach and by doing this allwoing you to start to see the abs that you work so hard to get. so here they are 

Exercise 1 - Mountain Climbers

Exercise 1 is mountain climbers. Mountain climbers burn a lot of belly fat and also burn a lot of calories. It gets the heart beating fast and is a very good exercise.

Step 1 – lie down with your face directed towards the floor
Step 2 – straighten your arms and touch the knees to the ground
Step 3 – lift yourself with the help of your hands such that your hands come direct under your chest but keep them a bit wider than the shoulders
Step 4 – keep the legs in the stretched manner and they must be in line with the remaining body (do not tend to make a gap between the knees). You can 
follow any similar position in which you feel comfortable

Exercise 2 - Side plank

How to do it: Lie on your right side, in a straight line from head to feet, resting on your forearm. Your elbow should be directly under your shoulder. With your abdominal s gently contracted, lift your hips off the floor, maintaining the line. Keep your hips square and your neck in line with your spine. Hold 20 to 40 seconds and lower. Repeat two to three times, alternating sides. (If this is too challenging, start with bent knees.)

Exercise 3 -  Bicycle crunches

  • Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground and contract your core muscles.
  • With your hands gently holding your head, lift your knees to about a 45-degree angle.
  • Slowly, at first, go through a bicycle pedal motion.
  • Alternately touching your elbows to the opposite knees as you twist back and forth.
  • Breath evenly throughout the exercise.
by adding these exercises to your workout you can get the Abs you deserve. Add this to your ab workout and after your other workouts.

If you want a good product to get some fat off your body. I have to recommend a jump rope Which can be found on amazon for next to nothing 

Please let me know how you get on and thank you for reading.

Why lifting heavy is the way to go for mass

Recently i was talking to a close freind of mine about lifting heavy, And why we do it. To be perfectly honest with you. All i have ever known is to lift heavier and heavier as your muscles prgress and thats that. No questions asked  but when we came to this topic we have a good debate which I am going to give you my views as to why heavy lifting is the way to go. I will also explain why some people disagree and the cr*p that people share on the internet for a story.
Now I know you're there looking at your screen thinking "why should Ben be the guy who knows what he's talking about " I have spent years learning and growing my knowledge around fitness and I will share with you my experiences as well as others close to me .

How do we build mass ?
Muscle mass in terms of a normal average lifter like me means , how much mass of muscle you have on the body. How big are you . So the harder and heavier you train., the more muscle mass you get and so on. What i like to say is lifting big and eating big is the secret ingredient to getting big and there is no other way to it. 

 There are loads of articles written on this blog that will help you build mass if you really need to .  One blog post worth looking at is  

enough of me talking about building muscle mass and get to the main topic of todays blog post which is , Why lifting heavy weights is the way to go for mass .

So why is heavy weights crucial ?

  Heavy weights are crucial for getting big. I dont care what anyone says. the only ay you can build bigger and stronger muscle is by pushing through that comfort zone and allowing yourself to tear that muscle fibre. Once this has hapened your muscles can repair stronger and better.

But, listen to what im saying here. If your muscles repair after lifting the weight which just made it tear then it has adapted to that weight. In other words add the same amount of weight with the same amount of force and pressure on the muscles and you will not see results. 
Yeah you will see slight improvements but thats not why we got into this hobby of ours is it
We want to see big gains and we are going to get them 

Quick overview of what im saying

Basically what i am saying is you need to be applying more pressure on the muscles everytime you have allowed them to repair or you will not see the results you wanted. this is what me and my good friend were discussing. Thiink of it as muscle memory. Your muscles will remember that weight and pressure on them from the last time you trained so in other words be more prepared for the next time round

If you want to be big youve got to lift big and eat big , End of discussion 

For all of you who wishes to tell me different i would love to hear your thoughts on this discusssion as i find this one very interesting. If you have managed to gain a considerable amount of muscle with no weight at all i would love to know also.
For me personally building muscle is all about Nutrition and weightlifting. Thats what makes the sport so special for me

Dont worry if you feel you are maxing out on your reps and not getting the results you need then simple Up the weight. You can grab yourself a cheap pair of weights from everyones trusted store Amazon for next to nothing

So there you have it. you want to buil big muscle you gotta spend the money on the weights or better go to the gym. Also check out my protein page for protein powders worth having a look at.


Sunday, 5 July 2015

Muscle building plan that i totally recommend

Hello All,
Hope you all are getting nice and healthy and following the tips that i am giving you to allow you to better make your dreams a reality. For me it took me a long time to learn everything i know and this is why i started this blog over a year ago now. I wanted to give people the information that i had to find out myself, through hard work and hours of research and most of all Faliure. Yes i failed alot of times but i carried on and today im in the best shape of my life.

The whole purpose of this blog post 

Now i want to get down to the whole reason of this blog post. Its really just about giving you the best resources and the best info that i can give you to make you acomplish. I am letting you in on the product that i used to lose fat off my body, Then build on that muscle that i needed to get lean.
What i recommend is that you get yourself some cheap dumbells. doesnt have to be too heavy. You can find them on amazon for around £5 s its not too expensive. Go get some cheap dumbbells In the link i have provided
Secondly i would recommending grabbing yourself some protein shakes. This can be found in my protein shakes page Here . These products will be used after you have completed themuscle experiment program

What the program does 

The program wiull help you build muscle that will really allow you to stay in shape. you will get

Here’s What You’re Getting:
The Muscle Experiment - SuperFreak Manual
The Muscle Experiment
The main Manual that contains all the secrets and techniques that will help you pack on unbelievable amounts of muscle within the shortest possible time.
The information contained here is filtered to perfection. You'll only get 100% useful info that will help you build all the muscle you've always wanted. No pointless scientific jargon that will bore you half to death. I'll show you exactly what you need to do to build as much muscle as humanly possible without ever having to lift a weight or go to the gym.
What's your excuse...No gym access? Crappy genetics? That doesn't matter. If muscle building is your goal, then this is your answer. Every secret I learned is contained in this manual and is YOURS for the taking.
Discover the lost secrets of bodyweight training that will make you INSANELY HUGE, INSANELY FAST!
Free Bonus #1: The 8 Pack Manual
We've all heard stories about the mysterious "8 pack abs"...Problem is, nobody ever talks about what the heck they are, and most importantly HOW to get them. In the 8 Pack Manual I'll take you step by step revealing to you the secrets behind the abdominal 8 pack and how YOU can develop them.
WARNING: It does not involve doing 200 ab crunches or taking fat burning pills...not even close.
Value: $97.00 Free!
Free Bonus #2: Bodyweight Exercise Database
What would you do if someone handed you a database of the most POWERFUL muscle building exercises on this planet?
Well that's exactly what I'm giving you. In the bodyweight exercise databse, you'l get nothing but the pure BEST muscle building bodyweight exercises around. You also get crystal clear visual demonstrations of how to do them so as to push your workouts to the max!
Value: $67.00 Free!
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Have no clue on what you need to eat to gain mass? No problemo!
You can have my personal best set of muscle gain mealplans so you can stop worrying about what to eat and start focusing on what's really important: your training. Remember, it's not just about eating anything - it's about eating the right thing.
Value: $47.00 Free!
Free Bonus #4: The A2 Factor
Muscle Gain On Demand:
This will be the first time I'm publicly releasing this special report. The A2 factor is an underground technique that is literally used to force-grow particular muscle groups, on demand. And no, it has nothing to do with steroids, teststerone boosters or any of that dangerouss stuff. The A2 Factor will change the way the game is played PERMANENTLY.
Value: $67.00 Free!
Free Bonus #5: Printable Workout Logs
It's been shown that most people fail to make muscle gains because they don't track their progress. And I'm not going to let that happen to you. That's why I'm providing you with your personal set of printable workout logs so you can record your progress on a daily basis and be able to see for yourself how you are progressing with your training.
Doing this alone will put you ahead of 55% of trainees.
Value: $27.00 Free!
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Stop wasting time trying to determine how much food you should be eating if you want to grow!
The Anabolic Calculator 2.0 will tell you EXACTLY how many calories you need in order to gain loads of muscle. This handy tool will eliminate the guesswork from your dieting and let you know the best way to pack on the mass, based on the information you give it.
Value: $37.00 Free!
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For the more "hardcore" bodyweight trainers looking to take their physiques to new heights:
The Advanced 24 week program will take all you hardcore bodyweight trainers to the next level of size, strength and conditioning. Tired of the same old boring "do 15 burpees then 34 lunges" thing? Great! This is what you've been waiting for.
Value: $67.00 Free!
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  These products are exactly what i got when i recieved this plan and im telling you it does work. take it from me when i tell you that within 6 months of this program i have packed on a whopping 20lb of extra muscle and you can to

If your interested in trying this program with a GARUNTEED MONEY BACK GARUNTEE

then i suggest you head over to the link below


 Muscle building program

Thankyou all for reading. If you have purchased this product then i would like to know how it worked out for you. Also let me know what other programs you have used. Look forward to hearing your replys


Thursday, 2 July 2015

burning more body fat for a lean body

Now the one thing that i get asked alot is "how can i burn more fat when i am doing my workout. well this post is dedicated to those people ... enjoy

Lets start with the basics 

now we all know that getting rid of that belly fat is not quick and its not easy. it takes time effort and dedication to lose weight. thats why its so hard for some people.
CALORIC DEFICIT . that is your friend and let me tell you why ladies and gentleman.
#caloric deficit is when you are burning off more calories than you are consuming . this is a good thing because that is what is needed to tap into those fat sources. when your body has no more energy to burn it will find it in the body. this is where it starts burning the fat from your body. So try and do that.

Here are some ways you cqan get rid of that fat youve put up with for too long.

The 3-step plan outlined here will:
  • Kill your appetite.
  • Make you lose weight fast, without being hungry.
  • Improve your health at the same time.

Step 1 – Eliminate Sugars and Starches

The most important part is to remove sugars and starches (carbs) from your diet.
These are the foods that stimulate secretion of insulin the most. If you didn’t know already, insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body.
When insulin goes down, fat has an easier time getting out of the fat stores and the body starts burning fats instead of carbs.
Another benefit of lowering insulin is that your kidneys shed excess sodium and water out of your body, which reduces bloat and unnecessary water weight 
It is not uncommon to lose up to 10 pounds (sometimes more) in the first week of eating this way, both body fat and water weight.
This is a graph from a study comparing low-carb and low-fat diets in overweight/obese women (3).
Weight Loss Graph, Low Carb vs Low Fat
The low-carb group is eating until fullness, while the low-fat group is calorie restricted and hungry.
Cut the carbs, lower your insulin and you will start to eat less calories automatically and without hunger 
Put simply, lowering your insulin puts fat loss on “autopilot"
Step 2 – Eat Protein, Fat and Vegetables
Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source and low-carb vegetables. Constructing your meals in this way will automatically bring your carb intake into the recommended range of 20-50 grams per day.

Protein Sources:
  • Meat – Beef, chicken, pork, lamb, bacon, etc.
  • Fish and Seafood – Salmon, trout, shrimps, lobsters, etc.
  • Eggs – Omega-3 enriched or pastured eggs are best.
Protein is the macronutrient that contributes most to fullness and eating adequate protein can raise your metabolism .
Low-Carb Vegetables:
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Swiss Chard
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber
  • Celery
  • Full list
Don’t be afraid to load your plate with these low-carb vegetables. You can eat massive amounts of them without going over 20-50 net carbs per day.
A diet based on meat and vegetables contains all the fiber, vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy. There is no physiological need for grains in the diet.
Fat Sources:
  • Coconut Oil
  • Butter
  • Olive Oil
  • Lard
  • Tallow
Eat 2-3 meals per day. If you find yourself hungry in the afternoon, add a 4th meal.
Don’t be afraid of eating fat, trying to do both low-carb AND low-fat at the same time is a recipe for failure. It will make you feel miserable and abandon the plan.
The best cooking fat to use is Coconut oil It is rich in fats called Medium Chain Triglycerides These fats are more fulfilling than others and can boost metabolism slightly 
There is no reason to fear these natural fats, new studies show that saturated fat doesn’t raise your heart disease risk at all
Bottom Line: Assemble each meal out of a protein source, a fat source and a low-carb vegetable. This will put you into the 20-50 gram carb range and drastically lower your insulin levels.

Step 3 (Optional) – Exercise 3-4 Times Per Week

You don’t need to exercise to lose weight on this plan, but it is recommended.
The best option is to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Do a warm up, lift weights, then stretch.
If you’re new to the gym, ask a trainer for some advice.
By lifting weights, you will burn a few calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight 
Studies on low-carb diets show that you can even gain a bit of muscle while losing significant amounts of body fat 
If lifting weights is not an option for you, then doing some easier cardio workouts like running, jogging, swimming or walking will suffice.
 i would recommend checking out some of the other posts for this tip because there is plenty of things to help you out 
you can pick up cheap weights from anywhere. check some out HERE

now that i have shared with you these tips i hope that you can see these and hopefully apply them to your workouts. i advise you check out other parts of the blog for more info 

Als please check out this product which i have tried and tested myself and it works. if it doesnt work for you a refund is given . so check out this 3 week diet
you get so many benefits from this product with guides for eating exercises etc. check it out

If you head over to our protein shakes section you will find amazing offers on cheap protein shakes to alow you to get amazing results faster than ever . So why not go there now 

as always thanks for reading 


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