Recently i was talking to a close freind of mine about lifting heavy, And why we do it. To be perfectly honest with you. All i have ever known is to lift heavier and heavier as your muscles prgress and thats that. No questions asked but when we came to this topic we have a good debate which I am going to give you my views as to why heavy lifting is the way to go. I will also explain why some people disagree and the cr*p that people share on the internet for a story.
Now I know you're there looking at your screen thinking "why should Ben be the guy who knows what he's talking about " I have spent years learning and growing my knowledge around fitness and I will share with you my experiences as well as others close to me .
Now I know you're there looking at your screen thinking "why should Ben be the guy who knows what he's talking about " I have spent years learning and growing my knowledge around fitness and I will share with you my experiences as well as others close to me .
How do we build mass ?
Muscle mass in terms of a normal average lifter like me means , how much mass of muscle you have on the body. How big are you . So the harder and heavier you train., the more muscle mass you get and so on. What i like to say is lifting big and eating big is the secret ingredient to getting big and there is no other way to it.
There are loads of articles written on this blog that will help you build mass if you really need to . One blog post worth looking at is
enough of me talking about building muscle mass and get to the main topic of todays blog post which is , Why lifting heavy weights is the way to go for mass .
So why is heavy weights crucial ?
Heavy weights are crucial for getting big. I dont care what anyone says. the only ay you can build bigger and stronger muscle is by pushing through that comfort zone and allowing yourself to tear that muscle fibre. Once this has hapened your muscles can repair stronger and better.
But, listen to what im saying here. If your muscles repair after lifting the weight which just made it tear then it has adapted to that weight. In other words add the same amount of weight with the same amount of force and pressure on the muscles and you will not see results.
Yeah you will see slight improvements but thats not why we got into this hobby of ours is it
We want to see big gains and we are going to get them
Quick overview of what im saying
If you want to be big youve got to lift big and eat big , End of discussion
For all of you who wishes to tell me different i would love to hear your thoughts on this discusssion as i find this one very interesting. If you have managed to gain a considerable amount of muscle with no weight at all i would love to know also.
For me personally building muscle is all about Nutrition and weightlifting. Thats what makes the sport so special for me
Dont worry if you feel you are maxing out on your reps and not getting the results you need then simple Up the weight. You can grab yourself a cheap pair of weights from everyones trusted store Amazon for next to nothing
So there you have it. you want to buil big muscle you gotta spend the money on the weights or better go to the gym. Also check out my protein page for protein powders worth having a look at.
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