Saturday, 30 August 2014

Get a Six pack

All men who want the perfect body all want the rock hard defined abs. Most people don't realize how hard it actually is to get a six pack. When you see these "Get a six pack fast" Workout . It doesn't work because to get a six pack it needs exercise and diet

Its not as easy as you think.

Most people just think if you do a lot of sit ups then eventually you will get good abs
Its not that easy.  If you do loads of crunches then yes your abs will get a lot stronger but what most people don't know is that there is a layer of fat that covers the abs and this is what stops most people from getting, The defined abs. The way to tackle that is to add cardio in your ab workouts and also at the end of your other workouts 

What cardio is good for abs ?

Well even though no cardio just targets the belly fat, there are some exercises you can do to burn those calories and lose the belly fat. Im going to start by giving you a few to get you on your way 

Exercise 1 - Mountain Climbers

Exercise 1 is mountain climbers. Mountain climbers burn a lot of belly fat and also burn a lot of calories. It gets the heart beating fast and is a very good exercise.

Step 1 – lie down with your face directed towards the floor
Step 2 – straighten your arms and touch the knees to the ground
Step 3 – lift yourself with the help of your hands such that your hands come direct under your chest but keep them a bit wider than the shoulders
Step 4 – keep the legs in the stretched manner and they must be in line with the remaining body (do not tend to make a gap between the knees). You can 
follow any similar position in which you feel comfortable

Exercise 2 - Side plank

How to do it: Lie on your right side, in a straight line from head to feet, resting on your forearm. Your elbow should be directly under your shoulder. With your abdominal s gently contracted, lift your hips off the floor, maintaining the line. Keep your hips square and your neck in line with your spine. Hold 20 to 40 seconds and lower. Repeat two to three times, alternating sides. (If this is too challenging, start with bent knees.)

Exercise 3 -  Bicycle crunches

  • Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground and contract your core muscles.
  • With your hands gently holding your head, lift your knees to about a 45-degree angle.
  • Slowly, at first, go through a bicycle pedal motion.
  • Alternately touching your elbows to the opposite knees as you twist back and forth.
  • Breath evenly throughout the exercise.
by adding these exercises to your workout you can get the Abs you deserve. Add this to your ab workout and after your other workouts.
I have done this after mine and it has by far improved my abdominal s by far.

Check out this FAT LOSS COOK BOOK HERE!!! 

Please let me know how you get on and thank you for reading.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Nutrition during workouts

Nutrition during workouts. one of the lest explained topics to anyone and i think this is a very important and interesting topic to talk about.
Now when you are working out , your body needs alot of nutrients to keep you all full of energy etc. this is mainly Carbs, Protein and fats.


Proteins are an important part of your bones, muscles, and skin. In fact, proteins are in every living cell in your body. Inside cells, proteins perform many functions, including:
  • Helping to break down food for energy
  • Building structures
  • Breaking down toxins
  • muscle repair
Proteins are made up of building blocks called amino acids. Your body can make some amino acids but not others. Proteins that you get from meat and other animal products contain all the amino acids you need. These include both those your body can make and those it can't. Proteins from meat and other animal products are known as complete protein.


The foods you eat contain different types of carbohydrates (kar-boh-HEYE-drayts). Some kinds are better for you than others. The different types of carbohydrates are:
  • Sugars are found naturally in fruits, vegetables, milk, and milk products. Foods such as cakes and cookies have had sugars added. Table sugar also is an added sugar. All of these sugars can be converted in your body to glucose, or blood sugar. Your cells "burn" glucose for energy.
  • Starches are broken down in your body into sugars. Starches are found in certain vegetables, such as potatoes, beans, peas, and corn. They are also found in breads, cereals, and grains.
  • Dietary fibers are carbohydrates that your body cannot digest. They pass through your body without being broken down into sugars. Even though your body does not get energy from fiber, you still need fiber to stay healthy. Fiber helps get rid of excess fats in the intestine, which helps prevent heart disease. Fiber also helps push food through the intestines, which helps prevent constipation. Foods high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and whole-grain foods (such as whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, and brown rice).


Your body needs some fat to function properly. Fat:
  • Is a source of energy
  • Is used by your body to make substances it needs
  • Helps your body absorb certain vitamins from food
But not all fats are the same. Some are better for your health than others. To help prevent heart disease and stroke, most of the fats you eat should be monounsaturated (mon-oh-uhn-SACH-uh-ray-tid) and polyunsaturated (pol-ee-uhn-SACH-uh-ray-tid) fats.

Now when you are weightlifting or working out you need these before and after your workout to get the most out of your workout and there are many valuable sources as to keep fit all over the internet. 

what if i dont have these before workout ?

If you dont get these nutrients to the body before you workout then you will start burning off calories. but if you have no calories left to burn off then your body will tap into another energy source. that energy source is the muscles so it will start breaking down glycogen in the muscles and you can lose mass from this. so nutrition is key to muscle growth and that is so improtant to remember.

I have also recently tried this new fitness program that i feel you will see benefits from this. i got it not long ago and it really changed my understanding. check it out HERE

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

six pack abs

When people thing of a muscular toned physique, most people always picture those abs in there , because abs make the complete look right. and in my opinion i think that abs are one of the hardest muscles to actually get perfect. In the pat i tried many times to get my abs looking great and yeah, they got good but not how i pictured them
let me tell you why. The thing i was missing was that i was training the abs. every time i trained them my abs would get stronger and stronger yet my belly fat was hiding this. The thing people don't realise is that you need to burn that belly fat from around the abs. It took me a while to realise this but after a while i soon realised what it was. 
So basically there is no secret. Now I'm not saying don't train abs, what I'm saying is don't forget cardio aswell as a healthy diet a healthy diet 

When you try to burn fat off you cant just burn it from one place. it has to be burnt from everywhere. Men have more fat cells in there belly while women have more fat cells in there thighs. 
What some people do is to get there body into a caloric deficit meaning you burn off more calories than you consume. 
the best way to do this is to in my opinion do HIIT cardio. 

What is HIIT cardio

HIIT is a training idea in which low to moderate intensity intervals are alternated with high intensity intervals.
HIIT can be applied to running or to exercises such as squatting. HIIT is considered to be much more effective than normal cardio because the intensity is higher and you are able to increase both your aerobic and anaerobic endurance while burning more fat than ever before.
so basically what i would reccomend while doing this is this plan
General Warm-up/Flexibility Routine
  • Touch Toes - 15 Reps (Touch toes quickly, come right back up and repeat)
  • Lunges - 10 reps/leg
  • Side Lunges - 10 reps each direction
  • Butt Kicks - 25 yards
  • High Knees - 25 yards
  • Arm Circles - 20 reps
  • Trunk Twists - 20 reps
  • Side Bends - 20 reps


  • Monday - AM Full Body Weight Training
  • Tuesday - PM HIIT Workout
    30 Seconds Brisk Walk, 30 Seconds Sprint, Repeat 7 More Times (8 Minutes Total)
  • Wednesday - AM Full Body Weight Training
  • Thursday - PM HIIT Workout
    30 Seconds Brisk Walk, 30 Seconds Sprint, Repeat 7 More Times (8 Minutes Total)
  • Friday - AM Full Body Weight Training
  • Saturday and Sunday - Rest


  • Monday - AM Full Body Weight Training
  • Tuesday - PM HIIT Workout
    30 Seconds Brisk Walk, 30 Seconds Sprint, Repeat 9 More Times (10 Minutes Total)
  • Wednesday - AM Full Body Weight Training
  • Thursday - PM HIIT Workout
    30 Seconds Brisk Walk, 30 Seconds Sprint, Repeat 9 More Times (10 Minutes Total)
  • Friday - AM Full Body Weight Training
  • Saturday and Sunday - Rest


  • Monday - AM Full Body Weight Training
  • Tuesday - PM HIIT Workout
    30 Seconds Jog, 30 Seconds Sprint, Repeat 11 More Times (12 Minutes Total)
  • Wednesday - AM Full Body Weight Training
  • Thursday - PM HIIT Workout
    30 Seconds Jog, 30 Seconds Sprint, Repeat 11 More Times (12 Minutes Total)
  • Friday - AM Full Body Weight Training
  • Saturday and Sunday - Rest


  • Monday - AM Full Body Weight Training
  • Tuesday - PM HIIT Workout
    30 Seconds Jog, 30 Seconds Sprint, Repeat 14 More Times (15 Minutes Total)
  • Wednesday - AM Full Body Weight Training
  • Thursday - PM HIIT Workout
    30 Seconds Jog, 30 Seconds Sprint, Repeat 14 More Times (15 Minutes Total)
  • Friday - AM Full Body Weight Training
  • Saturday and Sunday - Rest
  • Notes: Brisk walk and jog are at 65-75% of your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)
    Sprint is at 90-95% of your MHR

Adding this to your abs training

adding this to your ab training will help your abs look alot more defined and also will make your muscles stand out more. here are some ab workouts to help you out. Also check my 6 pack abs guide HERE

So if you follow these steps i have told you and apply some of these exercises to your workout routine. there is no reason why your body wont be in the best shape of your life. i hope you have enjoyed this post and would love to hear from you in the comments. thanks

Monday, 11 August 2014

STA Fitness new and improved

Hello all

Its been just under a year since i last wrote a post to this blog. I have had a very good year in terms of fitness. My gains have been substantial and my fitness has improved massively. 
The one thing that's improved overall is my knowledge of everything muscle and fitness based and i have decided to come back to you and start blogging again. not only will i be sharing with you all my new information but also in the next couple of months i will be bringing out a new fitness guide. 

The fitness guide 

This fitness guide that i will be bringing out in the next few months will be an email based guide so every week you will get the next part of this guide. i will be putting up a subscription to this guide and it is completely FREE. It will contain fitness guides, workouts plans, meal plans and much more content that you will have to wait and see. cant be letting you in to all the secrets too early can we. so for now i will let you know when this will be running. 

i am also happy to announce a new twitter account that will be in the sidebar or the contact page so check that out aswell.
it is great to be back and i am pleased to announce that good things will be coming from this site in the weeks to come.

thank you for all the support over the past year. 

STA Fitness 


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