Now when you are working out , your body needs alot of nutrients to keep you all full of energy etc. this is mainly Carbs, Protein and fats.
Proteins are an important part of your bones, muscles, and skin. In fact, proteins are in every living cell in your body. Inside cells, proteins perform many functions, including:
- Helping to break down food for energy
- Building structures
- Breaking down toxins
- muscle repair
Proteins are made up of building blocks called amino acids. Your body can make some amino acids but not others. Proteins that you get from meat and other animal products contain all the amino acids you need. These include both those your body can make and those it can't. Proteins from meat and other animal products are known as complete protein.
The foods you eat contain different types of carbohydrates (kar-boh-HEYE-drayts). Some kinds are better for you than others. The different types of carbohydrates are:
- Sugars are found naturally in fruits, vegetables, milk, and milk products. Foods such as cakes and cookies have had sugars added. Table sugar also is an added sugar. All of these sugars can be converted in your body to glucose, or blood sugar. Your cells "burn" glucose for energy.
- Starches are broken down in your body into sugars. Starches are found in certain vegetables, such as potatoes, beans, peas, and corn. They are also found in breads, cereals, and grains.
- Dietary fibers are carbohydrates that your body cannot digest. They pass through your body without being broken down into sugars. Even though your body does not get energy from fiber, you still need fiber to stay healthy. Fiber helps get rid of excess fats in the intestine, which helps prevent heart disease. Fiber also helps push food through the intestines, which helps prevent constipation. Foods high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and whole-grain foods (such as whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, and brown rice).
Your body needs some fat to function properly. Fat:
- Is a source of energy
- Is used by your body to make substances it needs
- Helps your body absorb certain vitamins from food
But not all fats are the same. Some are better for your health than others. To help prevent heart disease and stroke, most of the fats you eat should be monounsaturated (mon-oh-uhn-SACH-uh-ray-tid) and polyunsaturated (pol-ee-uhn-SACH-uh-ray-tid) fats.
Now when you are weightlifting or working out you need these before and after your workout to get the most out of your workout and there are many valuable sources as to keep fit all over the internet.
what if i dont have these before workout ?
If you dont get these nutrients to the body before you workout then you will start burning off calories. but if you have no calories left to burn off then your body will tap into another energy source. that energy source is the muscles so it will start breaking down glycogen in the muscles and you can lose mass from this. so nutrition is key to muscle growth and that is so improtant to remember.
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